The ramblings of a full-time working mom...trying to make the most of every dime in these tough economic times.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Possibly FREE bottle of Kikkoman Marinade. $2/1 coupon! **Coupon Here**
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Wow! It has been over a year since I last posted here. Life took some crazy, busy, sharp turns...but here I am still alive!
I have missed this blog so much and all the fun people who read it and commented, emailed and got some use out of it. So here I am, I am back.
I have fallen from the frugal wagon and it was a hard fall that bruised me and taught me to strap in this time for the long haul. Being frugal really is a lifestyle and when you are not it makes you feel so lost.
Be sure to look back here for some great deals I find, some fun and yummy recipes, and lots more!
Oh, and send your friends and family too...why shouldn't everyone be on this wagon? :-)